Our Working Method

These working practices describe our work at the Global Policy Center:

  1. Develop new knowledge through collaborative partnerships in the areas of humanitarian response and development with an emphasis on crisis-affected populations.
  2. Disseminate evidence and learning to all stakeholder groups in order to expedite real-time solutions.
  3. Influence policy and practice in the field by advising humanitarian actors, leaders, and policy makers to adopt new policies.
A view of asylum-seekers campsites in Matamoros, Mexico

Developing New Knowledge

We engage in applied, evidence-based policy analysis and research that propels the humanitarian and development fields forward. We believe in bridging the gap between practitioners and scholars by building interdisciplinary policy-oriented research with faculty, students, governments, organizations, and affected communities around the world.

Our work ranges from urgent short term projects to multi-year initiatives that impact humanitarian response or development for crisis-affected communities.

Center Director David Leblang with students presenting research to the Department.

Disseminate Evidence and Learning

We share our findings with governments, NGOs, academics and communities involved in the humanitarian and development sectors through dialogue, events, publications, and our research and internship opportunities.

Our faculty’s experience in academia and involvement in the global humanitarian and development sectors gives our students opportunities to engage with real issues at every level. Batten students gain exposure to today’s most pressing policy questions as they develop the skills to resolve them.

Kirsten Gelsdorf interviews Carolyn Miles former head of SAve the Children International for Leadership Unscripted Event

Influence Policy and Practice

We support policy makers and leaders to have greater impact in humanitarian and development practice and theory. As the field develops, we encourage these leaders to adopt evidence-based policy.